OUR goal is to increase the emotional literacy of young people through connection to selF, each other, and the natural world.

Upcoming Events

  • MBSR-T Grades 6-8, 9-12

    A skill building opportunity for young people to come together in a safe, small group learning environment where they’ll develop skills to focus on taking in the good, cope and manage stress, and incorporate mindfulness techniques into their own lives.

    Tuesdays 09/19/2023 - 10/10/2023

    Grades 6-8: 10:30-11:45

    Grades 9-12: 12:00-1:15

    Portsmouth Community Campus

    Portsmouth, NH

    Cost $120/4 sessions

  • Mother-Daughter Retreat

    Saturday October 19th, 2-9 PM

    The day-long retreat will focus on setting the foundation for communication and connection before entering those pre-teen years, and empowering participants to unleash their creative expression.

    Activities will include yoga, hiking, arts and crafts, and writing. Additionally, a catered meal, a cozy campfire, and access to a sauna will be provided.



  • UNH Extension & 4-H Mindfulness Retreat

    Teens and adults ages 14 and up, are invited to join us at UNH’s Browne Center, located in Durham, NH, to participate in several different mindfulness-based activities to build their self-awareness and better manage their stress. Our skilled educators will guide them through a variety of mindfulness exercises, demonstrating its ease of application as well as its immediate and long-term benefits. Whether it’s yoga, journaling, or a walk in the woods, participants will be encouraged to reflect, learn, and connect with others in a safe and supportive environment. We only ask that you come with an open mind and heart, and maybe a yoga mat if you have one.

    Guided Mindfulness Nature Walk

    Taking Root, will provide guided nature walks to explore around the Browne Center's trails and be led through a mindfulness activity to engage your mind and body. Kaitlin holds a New Hampshire Experienced Educator License and has done extensive work in the field of nature-based social emotional learning in order to build resilience in the areas of self-confidence, body awareness, self-regulation, self-control, regulate nervous system & reduce stress and anxiety, in and outside of the classroom.

    When: TBD

    Where: The Browne Center. 340 Dame Rd, Durham, NH 03824